Why Does My Dog Like Some Dogs But Not Others?

Why Does My Dog Like Some Dogs But Not Others?

Some dogs seem to love all other dogs and will play and be social with each one they meet. At the other end of the spectrum are reactive dogs that seem to be aggressive with almost all other dogs. But most of us have dogs that are somewhere in the middle, they like some dogs but not others. If your … Read More

Help! My Dog Doesn’t Work for Treats

My Dog Doesn't Work for Treats

When it comes to dog training, almost every article you read suggests using food or treats as an incentive, especially with positive reinforcement training. Food is a great motivator for most dogs but every once in a while, I get a comment or email from a reader saying their dog doesn’t work for treats. What? How can it be that … Read More

How to Train Your Door-Dashing Dog

How to Train Your Door-Dashing Dog

If you have a Houdini dog that manages to slip out anytime a door is opened or your pup practically knocks you over while trying to squeeze past you to get outside, you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to train your door-dashing dog! Just make sure your pooch knows the Sit command and is fully housebroken before you … Read More

Help! My Dog Gets Too Excited

My Dog Gets Too Excited

Do you prefer energetic dogs or laid-back, calm dogs? I like spirited dogs. It’s entertaining to watch them get worked up and go a little crazy sometimes while playing, but there’s a downside to all that energy if a dog gets too excited too often. Here’s why! Overexcitement can be an inherited trait or an environmental (learned) behavior. Sometimes it’s … Read More

Dogs and Fireworks – 14 Strategies to Keep Your Dog Calm

Dogs and Fireworks - 14 Strategies to Keep Your Dog Calm

If the sound of fireworks or thunderstorms sends your dog scrambling to leap into your lap or cower under a bed, your pup’s not alone. With their keen sense of hearing, loud noises can be overwhelming for most dogs, leaving them pacing the floor, panting or trembling with fear. Some dogs may even urinate on the floor or become destructive … Read More

Do Dogs Feel Guilty?

Do Dogs Feel Guilty?

Every time I see one of those dog shaming images with a guilty looking pup displaying their confession written on a sign hung around their neck, I wonder if any of those dogs really feel ashamed. Even though they may look or act remorseful, do dogs feel guilty? Most of the research on this subject suggests that dogs aren’t capable … Read More

Using Corrections With Positive Reinforcement Dog Training

Using Corrections With Positive Reinforcement Dog Training

In the world of positive reinforcement (reward-based) dog training, the term “correction” almost seems like a bad word. For many people, it conjures up images of old school trainers that use aversive, physical methods and tools to train and control their dogs. As a matter of fact, many dog training facilities that only use positive reinforcement (+R) techniques never mention … Read More

Is Your Dog Always Pulling on the Leash?

Is Your Dog Always Pulling on the Leash?

If you struggle with your dog pulling on the leash every time you take a walk, you’re not alone. It’s probably the most common problem dog owners complain about, especially for those people with larger dogs. I have to admit, I’ve been postponing writing this article for quite a while because it’s an issue that I’ve struggled with myself. But … Read More

Help! My Dog Has Selective Hearing

My Dog Has Selective Hearing

It’s fairly common to hear dog owners complain that their pup listens at home but not when they’re away from home or they might claim that their dog is stubborn, strong-willed or just plain dumb because he doesn’t always listen or follow commands. They say their dog has selective hearing. Yep, just when you’re feeling proud and confident with your … Read More

What Drives Your Dog Crazy?

What Drives Your Dog Crazy?

You know what I mean, it’s the thing that turns your normally sweet, obedient dog into a crazed lunatic. It’s the thing that renders your Sit and Stay commands totally useless. It’s the thing that triggers the “Game On!” mode inside your dog’s brain. For some dogs it’s squirrels, for others it may be laser pointers but usually there’s something … Read More