10 Tips for Keeping Your Car Clean With a Dog

10 Tips for Keeping Your Car Clean With a Dog

Whether we’re off to discover a new hiking trail or just traveling a few miles up the road to visit Grandma and Grandpap, summertime means more trips in the car with Haley. She loves going everywhere with us, but we don’t particularly love all the hair, mud and mess that’s left behind in the Jeep when we get back home. … Read More

Do You Hate Walking Your Dog in the Winter?

Do You Hate Walking Your Dog in the Winter?

It’s okay, I’ll be the first one to answer that question. Yes! Sometimes I do hate going for walks with Haley when it’s bitterly cold and miserable outside. When the weather’s really nasty, we find other ways to exercise like some of the ideas I wrote about in my article, 12 Easy Ways to Exercise Your Dog in the Winter. … Read More

Do Dogs Need Sweaters in the Winter?

Do Dogs Need Sweaters in the Winter?

Are dog sweaters and jackets fashion statements or necessities? Some people think dogs are perfectly equipped by nature to adapt to colder temperatures in the winter but others think their pups need some extra protection from the cold so they dress their dogs in stylish coats or sweaters before heading outdoors. So, who’s right? Well, they both are. Here’s why … Read More

Are Sticks Safe for Dogs?

Are Sticks Safe for Dogs?

Like a lot of people, I grew up throwing sticks for my dogs to chase and I’ve done the same thing with Haley when hiking through the woods or playing on the beach. Throwing a stick for a dog seems like a natural thing to do and a lot of dogs like to chase and chew on sticks. Most people … Read More

How to Train Your Dog to Walk Off Leash – A Hiker’s Guide

How to Train Your Dog to Walk Off Leash

There’s only one thing that Haley loves more than playing with her basketball, and that’s going for an off-leash hike. The moment I let her loose, her eyes brighten, a smile spreads across her face and there’s a joyful bounce in her gait as she begins to connect with her wild, canine ancestors and become one with nature. She can … Read More

How to Deal With Ticks – A Dog Hiker’s Survival Guide

How to Deal With Ticks

The snow is melting, the days are getting longer and spring is almost here. That means you’ll soon be spending more time outdoors with your dog. This is a good time to plan on how to deal with ticks this year, especially if you love hiking with your pup. Has this ever happened to you? You return home from a … Read More