Last year, I was planning on attending the Global Pet Expo but unfortunately we had to cancel our plans after Haley tore her CCL and needed surgery right before the show. I was so disappointed to miss the event last year, but I’m thrilled to be here today at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida to discover all the latest and greatest finds at the largest annual pet products trade show.
The Global Pet Expo is presented by the American Pet Products Association (APPA) and Pet Industry Distributors Association (PIDA) and this year’s show is setting a new record with 3,435 booths and 1,130 exhibitors (27% being international companies). The show covers an area of about 13 football fields in size and is filled with products for all types of pets. This year there will be 223 first-time exhibiting companies and more than 3,000 new product launches. I can’t wait to check out all of these exciting, new products today!
I’ll be sharing my favorite products from the show in next week’s post but if you want to follow along over the next three days, view some highlights from the expo on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube or Pinterest! You can also use the #GlobalPetExpo hashtag on several of these social media platforms to discover even more exciting details from the show.
Do you love finding new toys, treats, accessories or other products for your pup? Share some of your favorite finds with us in the comment section below!
My mom has thought about going a few times now, but has never actually gone. This time of year it is hard to get away with work being at its busiest time. If it was earlier it would be better for her. Enjoy!
Oh, I sure hope your mom can make it one year, Emma. It can be hard to get away but since it’s around spring break season, maybe it will work out sometime.😊
Sounds exciting, have fun! We’re going to the World Pet Expo at the Meadowlands, NJ this June and looking forward to it.
That sounds great, Heather! I haven’t been to that one but I look forward to reading about it on your blog in June.
How cool that you got to make the trip this year!!
Yes! I can’t wait to go back next year and maybe spend an extra day there.
I’ve been getting emails from exhibitors for weeks. Can’t wait to see what cool stuff you discover.
And if you find yourself traveling up the Florida Atlantic coast, drop me a note. We’re in Marineland, Florida until early April. 🙂
Hi Pamela! We spent some time on the gulf but next year we’re going to spend more time on the Atlantic beaches. I hope you’re anchored there again next year and we’ll swing by. My husband and I would love to see Honey, your sailboat, and of course both of you guys.💗
Have a blast! I have yet to get there, but one of these years I will!
Make it next year and we can get together at one of the lunches or events!😊
Sounds super neato! Can’t wait to read next weeks post!
It was so much fun! I just wish I could have spent more time there.
I’ve been following along on social media, and I’m so impressed with all of the experts who came to share! I may have to try to attend next year. Looks like a blast!
Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie
It would be great to meet up with you there next year, Jean! It’s a great event to build a mini-vacation around.
So neat that you’re going! I can’t make it this year :/ I’ll be sure to follow along on your social media accounts!
I was hoping you would be there this year, Barbara. Hopefully we can meet up in 2018!😊
Have fun!
Thanks, Jackie!
I wanted to go so badly, but we have so much going on at home right now & we’ve traveled so much already this year we couldn’t make it. We love discovering new pet products so will definitely check out your posts from the show! We can live vicariously through you!
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
I wish I could have listed so many more exhibitor’s products. Hopefully, we can all meet up there one year and have a mini-blogger’s convention!😊
I wanted to go also, but conventions are very difficult for me…there is so much walking involved and those of us with limited mobility…well, it is a challenge. I will watch your social media and see what you are up to!
Unfortunately there is a LOT of walking but they do offer the motorized cart tours too, so that might be a good option if you decide to go sometime.
This sounds so exciting, and I can’t believe how huge it is! Maybe some day I’ll get to go, I wish it was closer to us.
Hope you had a great time and looking forward to reading all about it!
Thanks, Jan! I hope you get to go sometime too. We’re in Ohio so it’s a little bit of a drive for us too. It would be nice if they would select different cities each year like the Blog Paws Conference so more people could attend.
Sam didn’t do well in the kennel so can’t leave him now that family has moved out to the West Coast and Elsa’s epilepsy makes kenneling impossible. *Sigh* We’ll still keep our paws crossed that we can attend at some point. Have fun!
Oh, I can really relate to the kennel issue. Haley only stayed once in a kennel and it was really hard on her too. It really broke my heart to leave her there.😟
I want to go like any of the commentors
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