How to Take Your Dog’s Temperature

How to Take Your Dog's Temperature

Do you believe in the adage that healthy dogs have cold, wet noses and sick dogs have warm, dry noses? Even though there’s some truth to that theory, the best way to determine if your pup is running a fever is to take your dog’s temperature. But don’t let Haley fool you with the image above, you’ll actually be working … Read More

15 Tips for Taking Your Dog to the Beach

15 Tips for Taking Your Dog to the Beach

It’s officially summer! If you’ve got a beach vacation coming up soon, I’ve got some great tips to share with you for taking your dog to the beach. What could be better, right? Sun, sand, warm breezes, ocean waves and having your dog right beside you to enjoy it all. The beach is one of Haley’s favorite places, but there … Read More

10 Tips for Exercising Your Dog in the Summer

10 Tips for Exercising Your Dog in the Summer

Exercising your dog is important all year long. Last fall I wrote 12 Easy Ways to Exercise Your Dog in the Winter, so with the temperatures starting to warm up and summer being right around the corner, I wanted to share some safety tips for exercising your dog in the summer. High heat and humidity levels can pose a risk … Read More