15 Tips for Taking Your Dog to the Beach

15 Tips for Taking Your Dog to the Beach

It’s officially summer! If you’ve got a beach vacation coming up soon, I’ve got some great tips to share with you for taking your dog to the beach. What could be better, right? Sun, sand, warm breezes, ocean waves and having your dog right beside you to enjoy it all. The beach is one of Haley’s favorite places, but there … Read More

Max’s Guide to a Dog-Friendly Yard

Max's Guide to a Dog-Friendly Yard

Meet Max! He was one of our family dogs when I was growing up. Max was a master of destruction both inside the house and outside in the backyard. He was an expert on landscaping, or maybe I should say re-landscaping from the way he liked to tear out rose bushes from the roots and destroy them, thorns and all! … Read More

10 Easy Ways to Find Dogs for Playdates

10 Easy Ways to Find Dogs for Playdates

Dogs love playing with other dogs and socializing puppies is essential for raising a well-balanced dog, but sometimes finding other dogs for your dog to interact and play with can be a challenge. For dogs that are overwhelmed by crowded, high-energy dog parks, playdates might be the perfect solution, but how do you find dogs for playdates? It’s not like … Read More

How to Stop Your Dog From Getting Into the Trash

How to Stop Your Dog From Getting Into the Trash

For a dog owner, there’s nothing more joyful than coming home to a happy, wiggling pup. Until—you walk into the kitchen and find that she’s knocked over the trash can, shredded papers and containers, and pretty much consumed everything even remotely edible from the can. Urgh! You know you’re not supposed to correct a dog after the fact because she … Read More

Teach Your Dog to Play Find It

Teach Your Dog to Play Find It

If you’re looking for a fun and easy way to entertain your dog on a cold winter afternoon, why not teach your dog to play Find It? Dogs have an amazing sense of smell and they love to use their noses to hunt and track things, especially yummy things! We humans use sight as our primary sense, but dogs primarily … Read More

Help! My Dog Doesn’t Come When Called

My Dog Doesn't Come When Called

I’m sure we’ve all experienced at one time or another a dog that doesn’t listen. When your dog doesn’t come when called, it can be frustrating, embarrassing and in some cases, downright dangerous. Even the best trained dog can occasionally get distracted by an unusually interesting scent or an intense game of chase with a cat or squirrel, but we … Read More

How to Celebrate Your Dog’s Birthday – Dog Style!

Celebrate Your Dog's Birthday, Dog Style

Is your pup’s special day coming up soon? Are you looking for a way to celebrate your dog’s birthday? I’ve never been one for doggy birthday parties with banners, balloons, doggy friends or a dog-healthy homemade cake and I definitely know Haley would not be thrilled about wearing a party hat for twenty minutes while I try to get the … Read More

Tips for a Holiday Road Trip with Your Dog

Road Trip with Your Dog

It’s that time of year when many of us travel over the holidays to be with family and friends. If you normally board your dog or hire a pet sitter, why not consider taking him along this year to celebrate the holidays with you? Traveling with a dog is easier than it used to be. From finding pet friendly hotels … Read More

How to Teach a Dog Its Name

How to Teach a Dog Its Name

Does your new puppy ignore you when you call his name? Have you adopted a dog from a shelter or rescue and want to teach him a new name? Maybe you’ve had your dog for awhile and he seems to have selective hearing when you try to get his attention. Earlier this week I posted an article about how to … Read More

10 Halloween Dog Tips

Halloween Dog Costume

That’s right, it’s that time of the year again when your dog wonders why things are suddenly being strapped to his back and head followed by lots of hysterical laughter from his humans. Plenty of dogs are good sports and even like getting dressed up in costumes and strutting around, but others can get a little overwhelmed by it all. … Read More